Hyacinthe Nare
Climate & Clean Energy Policy Analyst & Fulbright Fellow
Hyacinthe Naré is a Policy Analyst in Energy, Climate Change and Clean Transportation. He works with policymakers in Western Africa and serves as a Consultant to the International Council on Clean Transportation (the ICCT), the United Nations Environment and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to improve the environmental performance of vehicles and fuels, and to promote clean mobility. He currently supports a number of West African countries on two major initiatives: The Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s Heavy-duty diesel initiative (CCAC), an effort to reduce the emissions of short-lived climate pollutants from the transportation sector, and the Global Fuel Economy Initiative ( GFEI), a partnership to promote the introduction of cleaner, more energy efficient vehicles in developing and transitional countries. He is an invited speaker and panelist at several national and regional meetings. Prior to his current position, Hyacinthe was an Energy and Climate Fellow with the World Resources Institute, and an International Climate Policy fellow with the Natural Resources Defense Council.
He is a native of Burkina Faso and holds a Master of Environmental Management with a dual specialization in Energy and the Environment/ Business & the Environment from Yale University. He is a Fulbright Fellow and a Cameron Speth Fellow.